Thursday, August 07, 2008

Asides - The A's Have It

After watching The Old Dark House the other day, I realized that after seeing Gloria Stuart I had forgotten to make mention of her 98th birthday this past July 4th. Then I also blew it by not mentioning Lupita Tovar's 97th birthday on July 27th. And, to top it off, I missed Anita Page's 98th birthday this past August 4th.

So, without further ado, to those three remarkable actresses and ladies, all whose first names end with A, a very happy belated birthday!

Gloria Stuart - Happy Birthday!

Lupita Tovar - Happy Birthday!

Anita Page - Happy Birthday!
And Anita, good luck with your newest film, now in post production.


La Fiancée disparue said...

Lovely ladies ♥.

Raquel Stecher said...

Happy Birthdays!

And to Norma Shearer too!